Resultados: 2

Protocolos voltados às ações de enfermagem no pré-natal: revisão integrativa

Objetivo: analisar, na literatura nacional e internacional, as ações do enfermeiro no pré-natal. Método: revisão integrativa, com vistas a responder a questão norteadora << Quais as evidências científicas a respeito das ações de enfermagem no pré-natal? >> Realizou-se busca nas bases PubMed, B...

The patient and the relation between power-knowledge and care by nursing professionals

This is a study whose objective was to analyze, in the discourse of hospitalized patients, how the power of knowledge is revealed in Nursing care relations. It was developed in the qualitative perspective, having as theoretical reference the concept of power issued by Michel Foucault. The data were colle...